What this all is about?
The purpose
This site is a home for my levels and photography. If you’re a gamer you’ll find my levels for shooters like Quake etc. Or if you’re not a gamer but just browsing internet for pics or something, you’ll find the photos I made. But last years, this site is reduced to some sort of weird music blog. Basically I just post super short reviews of the records I’m buying. I do that without any goal, but there’re 2 or maybe 3 people who enjoy reading this ;)
Author Info and Site title
Vondur is also known as Dmitry Svetlichny. He lives in Moscow, Russia, likes to listen to grim music and play games.
Some of you might be wondering why did I take this weird title for the site? Well, previously the site was called “War Supply”, but after 5-6 years of using this name I grew tired of it and decided to choose a new one. I was greatly inspired by the ship names in the Excession book. So I took one I liked and hanged it above in the header.
Legal Disclaimers and Credits
The content of this site is Copyright В© Dmitry ‘Vondur’ Svetlichny, 1998-2011. If you would like to use any text, graphics or images from this page for any purpose whatsoever, please be courteous and ask my permission first writing a comment in the last news post.