X-mas time
I’m not celebrating this x-mas as it’s different date here in Russia. I’m sitting at work and found free minute to update this empty and useless blog just to cheer up my capitalistic friends and tell them ‘Hello and marry x-mas, bastards!’.
Nothing interesting happened here last month. I’ve finished Bruce Campbell’s “Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way” book. Which was funny and easy reading. It’s somewhat adventure story about Bruce’s acting profession, featuring chases and beating. If you’re fan of him you might find this book amusing. China Mieville’s “Iron Council” was put back to the shelve as I found it very hard to read, so I’d rather wait for the proper hardcore fantasy mood and assault it for the second time. Really, this is very hardcore book, I’d rather read hc sci-fi than this one. I have to order new pack of the books, btw. So, going to the 2008 with the calm mood, see ya there…
December 27th, 2007 at 9:27
Iron Council defeated you? It’s complex in ideas at times, but the read was rather straight forward and not challenging… but I guess I’m kind of used to Steven Erikson books with like 190 characters.
December 31st, 2007 at 18:38
Well, it defeated me by the complex stylized language. It’s true hardcore style of writing and it was hard for me to read. But i get this style, it’s nice, I just need to be in a proper mood to accept it.