In Oceans Abandoned By Life I Drown…

nordvargr_150.jpg…To Live Again As a Servant of Darkness. This is the last Nordvargr’s album which was released by the Brazilian label Essence Music and which I found today morning in my postbox when going to work. Well, surprisingly Nordvargr still impresses me by fresh sound. Having so much releases one might think that musician might exhaust, but no, this doesn’t applies to this evil viking. On this album the noises are mostly guitar but done in such an evilvargr proper way you’ll want to listen to this CD again and again. This happened to me today, when I worked I listened to this album non stop all day and still want more. Highly recommended piece of evil sounds.

7 Responses to “In Oceans Abandoned By Life I Drown…”

  1. pope Says:

    i’ll assume you got the regular CD packaging version and not the super limited wooden box.

    oh how I wish we were rich and could spoil ourselves with such things.

  2. Vondur Says:

    indeed pope, i’d buy lim ed, but it was sold out at the moment i visted zee site…

  3. Stacheldraht Says:

    The boxset isn’t worth it ..

    The noise itself deviated from Nordvargr’s usual style so whether this is his last work or not, I am totally dissapointed.

  4. Vondur Says:

    Hmm, weird, i liked it. Maybe your expectation were different, I just had no any expectations so accepted it open minded ;)

  5. Shambler Says:

    13 minutes in :)

    This is some heavy shit. Less pure dark amb and more doom dirge prog-rock noiz amb!

    So far I tend to agree with Vondur and think it’s great that Lord Nord is applying these subtle twists and themes to his dark style. I also really like the CD name.

  6. Shambler Says:

    Ahhhhh….. 13 minutes into track 2. This is fucking great :). Just the sort of deep rythmic looped noiz that I like – reminds me a bit of the best of Ex.Order.

  7. Vondur Says:

    Glad you liked it, Shamb :)

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