
Seems like I went haywire because how could you explain that after receiving that giant pack of music I went and ordered no less giant pack of books from Amazon? Anyway, now i’m fully equipped with hard sci-fi and proper fiction for the coming year hopefully. The books are: Iain Banks – “The player of games” and “Walking on Glass”, Alastair Reynolds – “Redemption Ark” and “Chasm City”, China Mieville – “Iron Council” and “The Scar” and the last weird book I’ve ordered by sudden impulse is Bruce Campbell – “Make Love! the Bruce Campbell Way”. So as you can see, I’m still researching those three sci-fi authors tirelessly. Well, why not if I’m still enjoying them?

5 Responses to “Bookfall”

  1. Bal Says:

    Yay, happy reading! =)

  2. Vondur Says:

    ja! thanks :D

  3. czg Says:

    I’m reading Banks too now,

  4. Vondur Says:

    czg, oh! what book? and why did you pick him to read?

    and … what makes you cry?

  5. Shambler Says:

    Good choice of books there. TPOG and WOG are two of the best from each side of Banks I reckon.

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