Posted in Music on 13:18, July 6th, 2013Finally received latest Portal – “Vexovoid” LP! Darkest death metal ever.
Finally received latest Portal – “Vexovoid” LP! Darkest death metal ever.
I think this is going to be the most massive update of all times. Motherupdate! This is because I’ve got 4 packages in a short period of time. One of them being piece of art from Alexander Brown –“Annihilation Mandala” limited 100 copies silk-screened print featured on Witchrist album “Curses Of Annihilation”. The rest are the records in order of importance for me:
Very cool new band from Switzerland with MLP: Bolzer – “Aura”.
French black metal Aosoth with their latest 2LP “IV Arrow In Heart”.
Super awesome pack of two ultra die hard releases from Rise Above Records: Cathedral – “The Last Spire”
and Moss – “Horrible Night”. I managed to snatch editions of 100 for each :)
Turned very pop Ghost – “Infestissumam”.
My Dying Bride – 12″ miniLP “The Manuscript”.
Danish black-death Ogdru Jahad – “I” LP.
Very dark american death metal Void Meditation Cult – “Sulfurous prayers of blight and darkness” LP.
Darkest australian death metal with members of Portal: Grave Upheaval MLP with the same title (demos), and split with US Manticore LP.
American blackened death Hellvetron – “Death Scroll Of Seven Hells and its Infernal Majesties” LP.
Finnish doom metal Krypts – “Unending Degradation” LP.
American morboso metal Morbosidad – “Muerte De Cristo En Golgota” LP.
Bolivian trash-black Bestial Holocaust – “Into The Goat Vulva” LP.
I am happy that metal scene evolves further and brings something really interesting and unique.