Archive for December, 2006

Modern american literature

Posted in Books on 13:16, December 20th, 2006

Well, I’ve just finished this weird book of Poppy Z. Brite titled “Exquisite Corpse”. Hmm, it’s rather controversial. From one point it’s disgusting because it describes acts so bloody awful that I thought WTF with this author. But from the other side such books attract attention of public and might force them to review their look at hidden parts of life, or just plain open their eyes. But I’m not sure it’s gonna have some effect. It could, but on the people who’s able to read this and these people know dark side of life by default already. So, the bottomline of my rant is that I don’t really see any point writing such grindcore books. If one feels gory or perverse, he can just listen to some goregrind music or just watch goddamn news on TV and relax a bit that way. No point wasting time reading about perverts and their problems in detail…

Currently reading

Posted in Books on 13:10, December 13th, 2006

chasm_city_cover_amazon.jpg I’ve finished this book recently. Well, this one proved to be very interesting as the first one in the Revelation Space universe. The first half of the book was rather relaxed and longer than required (as it seemed initially). But from the middle things started to be so mind disturbing that I had to return to the book’s beginning to review some facts which didn’t seem so important earlier. The book has rather twisted and interesting plot, which makes you wonder what comes next till the last page. I wouldn’t say what book of the series is better from the two I’ve read but they both are equally worthy to read. I’m looking forward reading next novel from the series. And to change things from the hard sci-fi a bit, I’ll switch to some perverse book by Poppy Z. Brite titled “Exquisite Corpse” just to research dark side of the American literature.

Pre-xmas joy

Posted in General News on 14:31, December 11th, 2006

tok002_l3.jpgWell, things started to be material here. First, I’ve ordered this watches from Japan out of sudden. Got them week after I clicked on ‘checkout’ and now feel like I’m ‘Moon Base Commander from 60’s sci-fi classic’. They’re really fun and make people around wondering what the heck is the device I’m wearing on my wrist. Some of them think I’m mad and developing some conspiracy against them using some weird electronic devices.

Next, I went and bought Syncmaster 215TW 21″ LCD monitor and now enjoying games at 1600x1050px resolution. Nice monitor in all aspects: colors, brightness and performance. I’ve read a lot of reviews before buying this one and I’m not disappointed by the final decision ;)

And the last bit was that 2K Games and 3D Realms were the people of the word and I’ve got my box of Prey after all the hassle with Triton and Steam. It’s good to have the game on Steam for fast updates and I was pretty satisfied by the Steam version. But now I’m oversatisfied and very happy after receiving boxed version of the game. The actions of 2K and 3Drealms are exemplary. Their user support is what it should be everywhere by default!

Wicked warm winter

Posted in Photo on 21:43, December 3rd, 2006

Since this December is relatively smooth here in Moscow I decided to take a trip to Botanical garden. The journey ended up in the closed Japanese garden, but i managed to get there and take some pics. Enjoy :)
